David Holmes

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Self Discipline
Mr. Holmes encourages participation and self discipline from his students.

Learning and mastering the piano or flute naturally builds the confidence of each student.
Columbia, MD
Piano & Flute Lessons
In my studio I provide instrumental instruction for pianists and flutists of all skill levels. If you have always wanted to learn to play the piano or flute, now is the time to fulfill your dreams. Has your child asked to take music lessons? Children benefit greatly from the confidence, creativity and fun that comes from learning to play an instrument and performing for an audience. Call today to enroll in piano & flute lessons in Columbia, MD.

To Keep You Going

Builds Your Character

Valuable Life Lessons

"They Laughed When I Sat Down At The Piano- BUT Then I Started To Play!"
David Holmes has a Masters Degree in Piano Pedagogy from the Peabody Conservatory.
Further, David possesses a Bachelor of Music Education with major performing emphasis in both piano and flute, from the University of Wichita. He has years of experience as an active member and worker in Music Teachers’ National Association, Maryland State Music Teachers’ Association, Greater Columbia Music Teachers’ Association, Greater Laurel Music Teachers’ Association, and the National Flute Association and Flute Society Washington D.C. He also has continued his education by regular attendance at workshops; state, area, and national conferences; and additional private lessons.
David is dedicated to providing comprehensive and effective music instruction. He provides an interactive learning experience for his students, routinely recording each lesson for student’s home reference. David’s music instruction in Columbia allows children to develop into talented musicians. Through his gentle and upbeat teaching manner he expects high standards of listening and performing from all his students.
“My awareness of musical styles and ability to communicate that awareness to my students, so they can communicate to their audiences, is a definite strong point”. – David Holmes

About David Holmes

The Gift Of Music
Provided the student exercises discipline and displays a willingness to learn, David Holmes can provide:
- Training of the ears for music
- Rhythm
- Theory
- And more!

Recorded Lessons
David Holmes is well educated and has the experience to provide high quality lessons to anyone wanting to learn the piano or flute. His lessons are usually recorded and sent home on the student’s flash drive to encourage self-reflection and personal review.

Discipline And Travel
Even though he creates a fun and enjoyable learning environment, Mr. Holmes expects discipline from each student. There will be many opportunities for the piano and flute students to accompany groups at schools, churches or solo performances.

Gaining Confidence
Learning the piano or flute builds a student’s confidence by enabling them to grow and we make certain the student experiences small successes along the way. Music encourages self-expression and creativity.